At a glance Calendula is an annual and requires full sun and moderate water. It grows to about 12-15 inches. The parts used are the glorious flowers that are like a ray of sunshine in my garden. The flowers close up at night and reopen early to midmorning.
This herb can be used as herbal food coloring for broth, rice and even frosting, where it imparts its rich golden color. This plant is also called pot marigold a tribute to its early culinary uses. I use this herb in tea, bath soaks (excellent for skin health), compress and tinctures. It is also useful for gastrointestinal tract concerns.
This herb is best sown directly into the ground and are easy to grow and require no pretreatments. Seeds take 1-2 weeks to sprout. Calendula does self sow.
Avoid picking the flowers when they begin to form seed. Harvest by hand when the flowers are just fully opened. Remove spent blossoms to promote blooming throughout the summer to early fall. Once all the flowers are allowed to go to seed, Calendula will die.
Enjoy this healthy ray of sunshine in your garden!!