I love fun tea drinks anytime, but lemonade makes me think of warmer weather.
Serves 2
1 cup hot water
2 lemon tea bags from Healing House Herbs or lemon tea of choice
2 green tea bags from Healing House Herbs (Blue Sky, Pineapple, Rosemary Mint would be good)
1 cup lemonade of choice
3 cups ice
sprig of mint
Put tea bags into just simmered water not boiling hot water. (Water too hot can make green tea bitter)
Cover and steep only 3 minutes and discard tea bags.
Put lemonade, ice and hot tea into a mason jar with a lid to seal. Shake at least 10 times. The more you shake the more foam you will see. Yummy!
Pour lemonade into cups and enjoy. Garnish with mint sprig.